How you evaluate the toughness of your subject?
What are the criteria?
Well these are my subject for this second semester and i'm on my way to finish my second year in this islamic university, insyaAllah!
Well, here it is..
Parasitology and Entomology
My junior said that "Why the name is kinda weird"?..I just smiled to her, new subjects and feels very excited, hopefully it will last longer..
Medical Microbiology
Prof Othman will teach us once again this semester, I love to see his face because it looks like my abah's face:)Abah, ct sangat rindukan abah! He said that who got below B for this subject should not take this subject for this semester, alhamdulillah i'm not among them, he's getting more serious and he do this just for the sake of his student, study for the sake of Allah and for the sake of knowledge!
Quality assurance
First thing came in my mind when i heard about this subject was.."nie mesti macam epidemiology", it was not, it's all about quality, just like ISO:)
Clinical Biochemistry
Erm, just like Biochemistry 1 and Biochemistry II,but more advanced than that...perhaps.
Philosophy of Science
To be honest I like the way Dr.Ibrahim Shogar delivered his messages during class hour, not depending to the slides but just talk as mush as he can with so much input given, and sometimes students do not response to his question..huhu, ending with he himself answer the question:)
Can't wait for this class, i just love presentations:)
No matter what we do, make sure our intention is to good purely because of Allah's sake, insyaAllah He will facilitates our works.
Doa+continuous effort+tawakal = good/bad result = Allah's right = never lose hope in Allah and keep on trying + husnuzon with Allah